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How To Repair Laptop Battery

  • Dec 30,2024

Laptops are well-known for their compactness and portability. Carrying a laptop anywhere is easy. It can perform any task from anywhere. As the laptop has a battery present in it, it can also work for an ample amount of time without any power source.


A lot of developments have been happening in the laptop batteries. Nowadays most of the batteries inside electric devices are made up of lithium. The batteries have less life span compared to any others and need to be repaired or replacement of the batteries from time to time. 

In this blog, we are presenting various methods by which one can repair their laptop batteries, and in case of if replacement is needed then you can do it. 

By Freezing

Four types of batteries are mostly used in electrical devices: 

  • Nickel metal hydride

  • Lithium-ion

  • Nickle Cadmium

  • Alkaline

Except for the Alkaline battery, the remaining three batteries are rechargeable which means that the chemical process taking place inside it can be reversed.

Every rechargeable battery contains an electrolyte and a plate present in it and their interaction releases energy eventually a byproduct starts to form over the surface of them which troubles the interaction between them.

Freezing can remove this byproduct and restore the charging process. This freezing method has been scientifically proven to work for most kinds of batteries. In nickel cadmium and nickel metal hydrogen-based batteries, by using this method we can restore 90% of the power it has.

To perform this, follow the below procedure:

Shut down your laptop and unplug it from the charging point. Remove the battery and carefully place it inside a plastic bag. Now, place this for freezing for about 10-12 hours. Don’t keep the battery for more than 24 hours as it can lead to the breakdown of the battery and then eventually cause the leakage. After 10-12 hours, take the battery out and remove the condensation formed on it by using a towel. Once the battery reaches room temperature, place it in the laptop and then charge it. After it is fully charged, allow it to discharge completely.

Recalibrate The Battery

Many users plug in their laptops and never let the battery discharge. This creates trouble for the operating system to detect the battery's charge. Eventually, the OS may show the wrong indication of charge. For example, the laptop may show it has been fully charged, but after some time, the charge will be over. In this case, the battery needs to be recalibrated. Many laptop brands have an automatic recalibration facility, but you can also perform it manually.

To perform this recalibration process, charge the laptop to its full limit and then unplug the charging source. Kee the laptop on until the battery drains out completely. After 3-5 hours, charge the laptop to 100 percent. 

Remove The Battery

The battery becomes rechargeable due to the reversibility of the chemical processes inside it. External factors like heat can cause disturb the chemical reaction. We can allow the battery to cool by removing it while the chemical reaction proceeding in it continues to happen. 

Many laptops continue to work fine after the removal of the power source but some are unable to do it. So, while performing this method make sure that there is no sudden power cut as it can cause data loss.

Steps for this method:

  • Firstly, turn on the laptop and connect it to the power source

  • Remove the battery while it is being plugged in 

By Charging Fully

This method can be life reducing task in Lithium-ion batteries but this technique can be performed in old laptop batteries to them back to their normal condition. 

If the battery fails then it starts to drain fast and eventually becomes dead. By recharging and discharging it more often, we can significantly boost the battery’s life.


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